CORE Panel & Truss understands the importance of attention to detail. Before we begin design, our pre-construction team analyzes the project and obtains the necessary information to make the design process as efficient as possible. Requests for information are sent out for any details in question in the plans to make sure all design intents are clear, throughout the design process with our sister company, Technical Framing Solutions.

At this time, we also meet with project managers to coordinate delivery schedules, layouts and work flow. Knowing that people can make mistakes, we’ve developed an internal quality control process where designs are reviewed in depth prior to production. This minimizes the amount of any field repairs and keeps you building at the pace you need to make your deadlines.

We pride ourselves on providing clear, easy to read wall panel elevations and layouts. Having years of experience installing wall panels ourselves, one of our primary goals is to minimize mistakes made in the field and make the framers’ jobs easier by providing layouts with proper labels, dimensions and relevant information


CORE Panel & Truss is located in Nackawic, New Brunswick, Canada, the main market for Core’s wall panels is the Northeast of the United States.

Framers in this region noticed supply and pricing problems so there was an opportunity for a new wall panel supplier to enter the market.

With a lot of hard work, collaboration and expert experience in the field, we are proud to say we built and shipped our first jobs in February of 2017.


Our shipping process is seamless and efficient, wall panel bundles arrive onsite packaged and delivered on time. The display ID on the panels are easy to read making sure the crews waste no time sorting the bundles. This is another value we offer to our customers that decreases time and money on the jobsite. If you are wondering if we deliver to your location, please inquire at info@corepaneltruss.wpengine.com. Our staff can direct you to the wall panel plant that would be more easily accessible for your project.


CORE Panel & Truss is producing Open Web Floor joist.

We have added on to our secondary building to keep inside material storage at the top of our priority list and making room for a new Monet FWA 500 Web Saw and MiTek Floor Gantry II. This will generate several job placement opportunities for the local area and ensure CORE Panel & Truss remains competitive.
© 2024 Core Panel & Truss
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